Some game journalists are very well known. So well known in fact, that when Kevin Pereira decided to become a gaming authority by posting a video of himself defending Too Human (Yes the word defending was used) people got on it. I’ll hand it to Pereira, he didn’t go on stage and voice his opinions there (unlike Adam Sessler also of G4, but that will come later), instead he made a home video giving his impressions of the game like any other gamer. Pereira acknowledges that the game has faults (and glances over many of them such as character models which he says players should just deal with during cutscences), but states that at the end of the day, the game makes you feel like a badass and that’s what it’s all about. (Pereira, if you aren’t a “fanboy” of the game, why bother to defend it?)
Sessler on the other hand, went the extra mile. When Halo 3 launched some gamers just weren’t happy. They stated it had issues and Sessler used his “authority” as a G4 host to speak out to the “haters” of his beloved Halo. He comments on how the control scheme has yet to be beat by any other console (regarding Halo 1) which is total opinion and goes on to then attack the people that “Searched for a flaw” with Halo. He comments that he doesn’t care about the lack of Next gen graphics, he doesn’t care about if it looks as good and doesn’t care about the game having glitches (if they are hidden well enough, which if they were, would we know of them?), the same things every other game loses points for in a review (for those that have forgotten, Halo 3 scored plenty of 10s from various sites). He then ends with “while your mouth is open shove your *beep* (I’d guess at several word choices, dick seems most likely…) so I don’t hear from you anymore”….and a few more words. So what happened to gamer opinion? Apparently Sessler thinks his is so important that other opinions are simply invalid (and apparently need to be insulted as well).
The kicker? Soon after Pereira’s rant, news broke that Microsoft had reached an agreement with G4 to feature a special weekly episode of X-Play on the Xbox 360. How is this good journalism? Journalists, while having their own bias of course, have a duty to report facts, not their own personal taste as Periera and Sessler seem to have done. Otherwise, they may as well be console figureheads (perhaps G4 already is in someone’s camp…). Game journalism already appears to be corrupted enough without so called “Journalists” taking sides on defending or destroying game titles (and in Sessler’s case, anyone that simply doesn’t like the game should be verbally attacked as well).
So where do you stand gamers? Should game media be obviously biased and centered in one camp? Should journalists do their best to report just the facts and nothing more? Should we expect more of these rants from Perrira and Sessler? Is the entire system screwed up more than we thought to begin with? Leave your comments below!
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