Before shelling out your hard earned money for a used laptop, you need to consider whom you are buying it from. Some situations make it easier to verify that the person selling you the used laptop is not a scammer than others.
For example, buying a used Apple laptop from a classified ad may not very smart. After all, how do you know if you can trust the person selling the laptop? You have no way of finding out if that seller has ever scammed people before. If the used laptop doesn’t work like advertised can you get your money back? If you do buy from a classified ad, always make sure to get a written receipt and a confirmed address and phone number of the person selling the laptop.
These are questions that should concern you when shopping for any laptop, not just used ones.
Bidding on an eBay auction means you can have answers to those questions before you buy. Any seller dealing in used laptops can be easily researched with eBay’s system. Nowhere else lets you see a seller’s detailed feedback from past transactions, find out their return policies and have your sale protected like eBay can.
Here are some things to look for before bidding on a used laptop on eBay:
The seller’s guarantee. Make sure they state that they will return your money if the used laptop doesn’t work.
The seller’s transaction history. Have they sold a lot of laptops or other similar items? Has the feedback on those items been positive? Always make sure you buy from reputable sellers with positive feedback.
The dealer’s shipping and handling fees. Do the fees cost more than the used Apple laptop did in the first place? If the fees aren’t reasonable, the dealer is probably shady.
Ebay is a great place to find a used Apple laptop and the accessories to match it. With eBay’s security policies and seller requirements you can make a safe and smart transaction easily.
But before you go straight to eBay, you may want to look elsewhere on the web for used laptops. For example, if you’re looking for a used Mac, you may want to consider the Apple Laptop Shop, which specializes in finding great deals on used apple laptops.
Additionally, there are great online stores to find deals on PC laptops as well. With a little time on Google, you will be surprised at the deals you find.
The Apple Laptop Shop specializes in finding used apple laptops, Apple laptop articles, and used macbook pro.
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