Apple cider vinegar has been used down the ages to help cure all manner of ailments, including yeast infections. And today more and more men and women with horrible yeast infections are discovering the benefits of this simple home remedy. Here I’ll show you how it works so well and how to use it to help you get relief from your infection.
It’s probably worthwhile just to take a few seconds to understand what causes male yeast infection, so that we can then get a better picture of how and why apple cider vinegar is such a good natural remedy…
Male Yeast Infection Causes
Male yeast infection is caused by the same fungus that causes the infection in women, i.e. Candida Albicans. This occurs naturally in all of us, but the good bacteria in our bodies normally keeps it under control. It’s only when the good bacteria fails to do this sufficiently well that the Candida fungus can ‘overgrow’ into a yeast infection in both males and females.
But the real causes of these infections are the underlying conditions that produce this ‘imbalance’ between our good bacteria and the Candida fungus. These are issues like; high blood sugar levels, too many antibiotics, hormonal imbalances, compromised immune system, and some drug therapy, etc.
This brings us to how to treat male yeast infection…
Male Yeast Infection Treatment
This is basically no different from female treatment. Mainstream treatment usually consists of drug-based creams, foams, sprays, lotions, oral suspensions, etc., that you get from the doctor or over the counter. But where they seem to fall down is that they tend to attack the localized symptoms, not the underlying issues causing the situation in the first place.
The outcome then is that once your symptoms have gone, and you come off the medications, your infection can return, often much stronger than the time before. Another problem is that, as you use repeat medications, the Candid fungus can become resistant to the drugs.
So this is why more and more males and females are utilizing the benefits of natural remedies to cure their infections…
Male Yeast Infection Home Remedy – Apple Cider Vinegar
There are tons of home remedies out there, but raw apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular. It is believed to work by re-balancing the body pH which is a function that helps to prevent fungal growth. It can also help to soothe the burning and itching associated with yeast infections.
First off, it needs to be raw, un-distilled, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. You’ll recognise it also by the fact that it should have sediment called the ‘mother’ in the bottom. Get it at your local health food store.
Mix 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water and drink 1 glass 3 times per day. This will help to rebalance the pH in your gut and fight the fungus there. You can also add 2 tablespoons into 2 quarts of warm water and gently bathe the affected area using cotton. Another method is to add 2 cups of apple cider vinegar into a low, warm bath and bathe for 20 minutes or so: pull back the foreskin to let the warm water mixture get at the area.
Many males have used this natural home remedy to get relief from their yeast infection. But, effective as apple cider vinegar is in helping you get relief, for a permanent cure, you need to address a whole number of issues, and, other suitable natural remedy options.
So next, to discover how to eradicate male yeast infection completely and naturally, please now go to and get the facts.
I constantly research health issues then write reports on my findings so that you are perhaps more aware of the facts, and then, better able to make an informed decision on your choice of treatment and cure. Remember to always consult your doctor. Click here to discover:- how to eradicate male yeast infection.
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