After being launched worldwide on 3rd April 2010, iPad already noticed a huge number of customers brave out to buy Apple’s new device i.e. iPad. When the world of technology is abuzz with the new ‘iProduct’, can India be far behind? It is expected that Apple’s iPad would create a new user segment in the market of India soon. But when will it come to India?
Many tablets have already debuted in the market and we can easily say it is the time for tablet revolution. The concept of tablet PC, so far, is not very popular among Indian consumers, so iPad needs to go through this mass market hassles.
Experts say that this tablet category device would create a niche market for itself and Indian users are waiting for that product, which would emerge as a lifestyle product, and obviously not a mass product in India.
Right after the launch of iPad, doubts and expectations have arisen from various corners. Would iPad outsell the iPhone? Will other tablets dethrone iPad? Even after all these doubts, market analysts say it seems like Indians are waiting for the iPad. But Apple has hardly responded to the questions on the availability of iPad in India.
The iPad helps the users to browse the web, go for emailing, share photos, watch videos, listen to music, play games, read e-books and much more. But, the downside of iPad is, beside these intelligent features, it cannot multitask and doesn’t have an external keyboard, disk drive or a USB drive. So, according to market experts it can be a niche product rather than for the masses. It would create a new class who are always crazy for lifestyle products, and an Apple fan!
Some other experts doubt that the price sensitive nature of Indian consumer market may deter iPad from being a hit in Indian market. They are also concerned that iPad may remain limited only to the upper middle class segment in India. But at the same time it is true that iPad would face a challenge for several other branded laptops and tablet devices, which offer same features at the same range of price. So, Indian consumers may think twice before they invest in an iPad. Although, many people hope that the secret of this device’s success in India may lie in iPad applications and features that may take away the need of carrying hefty laptop.
Of course, the naysayers may remark that iPad is not appropriate for Indian market, but the reality shows that there is a curiosity, an interest and intent. Crazy users may hope that Apple would plan for thousands of utility iPad applications to make it more popular. But how much of craze can be converted to sales – we would like to leave that to Apple.
Meanwhile most of the iPhone and iPad Application development companies in India have already created various iPad applications. For the crazy users, e-Book iPad application would be interesting through which Users can easily access the newspapers, magazines through iPad.
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