There is no question about it. The iPhone pioneered the entire market of touch screens and smart phones for all users. Before its release, almost only businessmen were using these types of phones. Moreover, the touch screen wasn’t really user friendly – you were required to use an external device, a special pen.
Then, Apple launched the iPhone, which without doubt is one of the best gadgets released in the past 10 years (actually, I have no doubt; but others can think differently, which is ok). Besides introducing the soft multi touch, it has also created the apps world and we (many of us) fell for it.But, the iPhone is one of Apple’s products and as being one it also comes with the limitations and arrogance like others from its family. People, who don’t like being chained in any way, looked for something else. They searched for something as good as it, but with the freedom to change the battery, to transfer files, music and pictures from any computer they chose. These are the type of people who simply don’t like Apple hooliganism. And I am one of them. At first, there weren’t any phone companies which could compete with Apple’s technology. And in this field – timing is everything. The iPhone well based its market and good people who at the beginning refused to purchase it, found themselves having one, just like their friends.
Then Google woke up. With no history in the fields of cellular phones, smart phones or operating systems, Google realized that this vast market is going to be fully controlled by Apple. Google could not stand by and agree with that. As it couldn’t accept with any full control of any other over power company – Microsoft. So, Google launched the Android and the Nexus One. Android was bought by Google and the Nexus One is an HTC mobile phone, but it doesn’t matter. Google brought up a fair and strong opponent. Google, as always, offered her OS to any phone company and they embraced it and created their phones based on it. Google’s goal was not to sell the phone (which has stopped today), but the whole idea was to block Apple, and they succeeded.
In the past month, for the first time, Android based phones are sold more than the iPhone. Today there are more and more apps in the Google market, not as much as the iPhone apps but they’re getting there. Phone companies can freely develop better phones with stronger hardware and the customer can have the freedom to choose which works better, which one looks better or which one is eventually the best for us. We are given the opportunity to choose.
In my country, the Android hasn’t really got there yet. There are some pioneers and I am one of them. I have even built a website for people like me who are interested in the Android and want to read news, get reviews on Android Apps and games. I would like them to know that they have a choice. They can enjoy a great touch phone and it doesn’t have to be an iPhone. It can be, but it doesn’t have to be.
So for the question: Will the Android really beat the success of the iPhone? I think YES. I think it’s already happening. And it’s not just because it’s achieving better technology, it’s simply because it’s open.
I hope you will give the Android a fair chance to be your next phone…
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Blog: iTunes Channel Strategy game for sure, Cost: .99, Developer: Capcom Category: Games
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