A stroll around the App Store can be pretty informative if you know what you are looking for. In this case, you are looking to see if there are any matches to businesses that people will most commonly use. For example, State Farm Insurance has an iPhone app for its customers that provide all of the same things that the insurance company provides, including accident filing forms. There are many other businesses that could greatly benefit from having an app for their customers who have iPhones. It is important that you learn as much as you can about the companies so that you can make an effective pitch, and then develop an app.
As stated, you should be picking out companies that you can offer your iPhone developing experience to the companies that you select. Don’t just randomly select companies. Choose companies that have a large customer base. Start more locally, like with individually owned chain companies. Make a proposal that includes a mock up of your iPhone app ideas.
For your app mock up, try not to be general. Granted that you don’t want to be too specific because you want to protect your ideas, but the more specific that you can be will be better. Your mock up should not be a general template, but rather something more custom tailored to the specific company and what you think they may want to offer. This can always be changed down the road when you have closed the deal.
Your proposal should also show any other applications that you may have developed. If you have successfully submitted iPhone applications to the App Store through Apple, this is a plus. The ultimate goal is to prove your developing skills through successful apps. If you have developed iPhone apps for other businesses, contact them to see if they will allow you to use them as a reference, and then provide this information in your proposal. Again, you do not have to provide specific information and you may be limited by non-disclosures, but usually you can at least say that you developed an app for the company and they can verify.
Once you have managed to secure a few deals with some of the local companies, you can move on to bigger companies. Keep in mind that some of these large companies have their own development or tech departments that are probably working on the same thing. It is important to handle these companies with a little more aggression than other companies. You will most likely need them to sign a non-disclosure so that your ideas stay yours.
In addition to your proposals and meetings, you might find an advantage to having your own website or blog if you don’t already. Keep your site updated regularly with content that is related to app development. The idea is to establish yourself as an expert in the field. This will help you to present yourself and your skills better. You should also be researching different ways that you can get into internet marketing for this purpose.
Accomplished technology executive responsible for leading several internet companies, one of which was ranked top 50 smart companies by zdnet. Currently working for ObjectDev
Article from articlesbase.com
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