With over 2 years of experience in designing and development, Flexus provides wide range of services from Web Development to Online Marketing. At Flexus Solutions, We bring together the best developers from IT industry to our client so that they get the best deserving product.
Many Website Designing companies provides cool web Designs and Development services – but for a high price; often charging several thousands of INRs for their website design solutions, but Flexus among one of those company is the only individual providing all those solutions at very reasonable cost.
Flexus is a good website design company with over two years experience, we have all the professional web page design skills, but as a small website business ourselves, we keep our web design prices extremely competitive providing friendly and professional web design services.
Flexus’s HeadQuarter is based in NOIDA, India that comes under National Capital Region (NCR).
We have built a strong reputation as a leading website design company by building web pages and producing sites that are good looking, technically excellent and affordable for small businesses and individuals, with website deals from only 0
Flexus Solutions Pvt. Ltd started in year 2009 and has covered good clients in a very short period of time. It’s a combination of two different mind sources, One Business and Other Technology. Two friends started a company and devoted their time and mind over making a successful IT company. We have a strong team of professionals providing the best In-house support to our clients.
Flexus is a leading IT solutions company which provide full-cycle services in the areas of Website Development, iPhone Applications, flash Development & Online Marketing. We come with the business domain experience, technical expertise, profound knowledge of latest industry trends and quality-driven delivery model we offer progressive end-to-end web solutions.
We specialize in providing the cost effective and high quality services with the combination of new business techniques, Best technology and proven methodologies.
Flexus is driven by one mentor entitled and responsible to push the development of the company in the right direction and becoming the One Stop Shop for all the IT needs of clients.
Ankur Bhardwaj
Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Flexus Solutions
Ankur is CEO & Co-Founder of Flexus Solutions. He is very complementary and dynamic, running the company’s business effectively. Ankur takes care of the operations and financial performance with a clear leadership. He prepares strategy, plans, objectives and implements them to develop organisation structures and succession planning. He is enhancing the standing of the company with companies outside India.
Ankur after completing B.tech(Mechanical) worked with different organization in the Business Development Department and played a very vital role in developing business by generating leads and revenue. Ankur had a vision of starting a company which does not only provides quality services to its clients but also keep them happy in a healthy working environment.
He effectively manages the human resources of the organization according to authorized personnel policies and procedures that fully conform to current laws and regulations. Ankur perfectly assures the organization and its mission, programs and services are consistently presented in strong, positive image to relevant clients. He implements the strategic goals and objectives of the organization which will surely take Flexus a long way.
Article from articlesbase.com

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