The iPad applications are not for the adults but also for the kids. The features of the iPad, Especially the virtual key board, screen that is multifunctional, a wide screen and visually
Attractive graphics can create a wide array of effects. This can help to put the Imagination of any child on to the screen.
Drawing pad, one of the iPad applications, is an excellent drawing application and especially tailored for the iPad. It is more affordable than any crayons box. Its interface adds fun to creativity. The child can be made to use virtual crayons that look identical to the actual crayons. Same thing can be made with paint brush, markets, stickers, color pencils, and roller pens. A drawing album can be used to save the artwork and this artwork can be reused for the creation of a masterpiece from it. This artwork can be saved as a photo, used as a background on desktop, sent to others through email and even post is on social networking sites like Facebook.
The alphabet applications can be customized. The child can be made to connect between the letters, sounds, words, pronunciations and meanings. Attractive pictures and words can be used to make the kid lean the alphabets. Excellent narration and enlargement of the artwork is possible through this iPad application.
At times the kids find reading to be boring. The reading habit can be cultivated by highlighting the words. Related words can be made to zoom up on touching the picture. The audio narration of the story can be harmonized with the highlighting of the words. This application performs like the movie. The pages turn automatically. For every scene there is a customized audio background.
The iPad application development applies to learning of math too. Applications for counting are possible. The touch colors the object grey once it is touched so that the child does not count it again. The kid can be taught to read numbers too because the display of the digits is instantaneously followed by the sound (its pronunciation). The number of realistic photos in this application is more than hundred. When each set is completed, words of encouragement follow. This helps to give attention to the child.
Kids are usually fond of playing musical instruments. iPad application development facilitates the development of an application concerning musical instruments too. Pianos of different colors can be made to appear forth the child. The application can be developed to make the virtual piano play the chords or any genuine music at home. Other features like sound of farm animals, drum set and xylophone can be incorporated into this application.
iPad application can made education and study a fun and easy to remember too. It all depends on the iPad application developer what to include and what not to include.
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Must Have iPad Apps! v.1 Here are some iPad applications that I really recomend every iPad owner download once they buy their iPad. Apps ranging from business to entertainment to utilities. Enjoy! NY Times iWork (Pages, Numbers, Keynote) Calculator Weather HD ABC Player Follow me on Twitter if you want!
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