Insurance is a very important thing that whenever you buy iphones, you should keep in mind. Always make sure that the gadget you are buying is well protected from damage of any kind as well as theft. Iphones are very delicate and you never know when an accident would strike. It is during that time when you think that your iphone is so safe that it gets damaged. As you plan to buy iphones, make sure that you have put the purchase of an insurance cover for it in your budget too. Do not take chances until things get out of hand that is when you start regretting and wishing that as you were planning to buy iphones, you should have put the cost of a reliable insurance for it in place.
Gotronics is always very keen in ensuring that our customers get the iphone insurance whenever they buy iphones. This is done through our GoCare, our insurance program that covers electronics against theft or accidental damage for a period of two years. insurance coverage features within this program include features like theft coverage, accidental coverage, extended warranty coverage, water damage, loaner phone (a phone at a small fee for use while you get yours fixed), data recovery, unlocking of iPhones, 2 years tech support, and there is no time frame restriction to purchase, plus free jailbreak services all with a 90 day refund guarantee. There is so much to gain when you buy iphones from us and couple it with iphone insurance. There is also the GoTronics’ iPhone insurance with a comprehensive program that not only covers damage but also supports unlocked phones and covers data. This can be extended to cover jail broken iphones and also to have data recovered for you when necessary.
All the iphones which we sell are adequately inspected for the safety of our users. Depending on our technicians is a thing we have done for some time now and it gives us the desired confidence that regardless of the iphone which is brought to us, they would handle any technical problem which it might possess. This is done so that once you buy iphones from us; they are able to serve you as desired without any compromise on your expectations. The inspections do help us to be able to evaluate the cost of insurance cover which we can provide you with. The effort to give you nothing less of the best services with every bit of our transactions, if you buy iphones from us, it is always advisable that you back it up with a reliable insurance cover.
When you want to buy iphones whether new or used ones, it is important to think about insurance for it . Gotronics offers iphone insurance for you when you buy iphones from us or even for the iphones which you could have bought from somewhere else maybe from a friend or from eBay.
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