iPhone App development has opened doors to a whole new experience to a number of things like entertainment, gaming, business, utility and a lot more. But at the same time it has also made a valuable contribution to fields like education as well. There are many universities and colleges that are now using iPhone and iPhone Apps development resources to effectively communicate with the students and provide them with instant information access, on the run.
This has lead to a new way of educating oneself. Now there is no bound to finding what you want to at any point in time, irrespective of where you are. This anytime, anywhere quality of iPhone is a big boon to people and their instinct to quench their thirst for more. And with the iPhone now entering into the education sphere, there have been some real good work done by some of the iPhone app development companies and some freelancers as well to come out with real useful applications that can make your day by providing some useful information on your favorite topics.
Here is a list of some of top useful iPhone Applications:
An amazing application from Amazon brings you the ability to download any book that you want directly to your iPhone. The list of books available on Amazon is a huge one and you can download them without any hassle just about anytime you want them.
Louvre Museum:
One of the most famous museums in the world can now be seen with just a click on the app. This application allows you to get up close and personal with the art pieces of famous artists like DaVinci and Micheal Angelo. You can get a virtual tour of the museum while sitting in your room with intricate details, just as you would in real life.
Get detailed information about various space tours on your mobile. This free app extracts information, images and videos from various online NASA sources in a convenient mobile package. You can get also get these applications customized through any of the iPhone app development company.
This is another amazing application for literature enthusiasts. This application gives you access to all the works of Shakespeare with detailed information. Plus you can search text through keywords, increase and decrease the font according your liking and the application automatically refers to the last page you read.
Love Art:
With a small price you can download more than 250 painting of the most famous artists of all time like Leonardo, Rembrandt, Botticelli, Renoir and Van Gogh. The National Gallery in London hosts a huge amount of such paintings that can now be downloaded to your iPhone through this amazing paid application.
There is dearth of applications that are interestingly helpful for educating yourself. Although you can get iPhone app development services and get any kind of application developed according to your need, some of the above-mentioned free apps are just the right thing you would need to access the world of knowledge sitting in your room. Many iPhone app development companies do this kind of developmental work for very competitive price, but there are hundreds of options available online as well.
So download and get educated.
Jessica Woodson is iphone app developer at IndiaNIC – a leading iphone app development company present quality and cost effective iphone application development, iphone web apps development .
For more inquiries please visit
Article from articlesbase.com

****Book is available at www.lulu.com **** With this book, developing applications for iPhone looks easy, and it actually need not be difficult. This book is an easy to follow guide to developing iPhone applications. Pages are in big format with lots of screenshots, diagrams and graphics making this book a joy to read and the guides extremely easy to follow and understand. Readers need not know Objective-C nor C before picking this book. For the more experienced developers, we have chapters on Extreme Programming, OpenGL ES and building applications for jail-broken iPhones. CONTENTS (abbreviated) Preparing For Development Projects & Building Applications iPhone Simulation Installing Applications In iPhone Introduction To Objective-C & C Graphics UILabel UIButton UITextFields UIToolBar UIPickerView UITableView UIAccelerometer GPS Audio & Vibration File Manager UIWebView UIImagePickerView Touches Open GL Building For Jail-Broken iPhones
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