Now that the Apple iPad is rising in sales and popularity everyday, other manufacturers want a slice of that proverbial pie, so to speak. And topping the list of iPad killer-wannabes are Google’s Android Tablet, a project that is on its way to seeing store shelves in the near future and other tablet computers using Google’s open-source Android platform.
So how do these Android tablet computers stack up against the Apple iPad? Let’s go through the pros and cons of the current apple of Steve Jobs’ eye (pardon the pun), and match the iPad up against those who wish to dethrone it.
The Pros of the Apple iPad
A stunning graphics interface, crisp video and clear visuals are all part of the iPad’s package. Add to that smooth interaction between yourself and the iPad, superb touch screen sensitivity, Bluetooth, WiFi and 3G connectivity, an amazing 10-hour battery life and the simple and easy-to-use OS platform that almost everyone has come to love. A plethora of exciting games and hundreds of different applications add to the coolness factor and beauty of the Apple iPad. All the apps (and more!) that made the iPhone popular now have their iPad counterparts, guaranteeing users hours and hours of multimedia bliss and entertainment.
The Cons of the Apple iPad
It’s been said before and we’ll say it again: the lack of a camera and USB ports have turned off some potential buyers of the Apple iPad. Multitasking, which Mac lovers have enjoyed and loved in iMacs and Macbooks, is nonexistent in the iPad as well. There is, to date, no way to use two or more applications at the same time. It also does not support Flash with Safari (its web browser), as of the moment, making YouTube, Hulu and CBS fans very disappointed.
The Pros of Android Tablets
The main attraction of these rival tablet computers is the fact that the Android operating system is open-source. This means that coding for programs, applications and the like is available for people to use and improve on. Consequently, programmers will have a field day creating different applications, resulting in probably even more games and apps in the future for Android Tablets. Most of these tablets are also cheaper than the iPad. The Enso zenPad, for instance, is a steal at only 5. This nifty tablet features 8G (expandable to 32G) of storage, as well as WiFi connectivity. You can get GPS and 3G for an additional and , respectively. Another Android tablet worth looking at is the Dell Streak (previously known as the Mini 5), which is slated to come out in September. Another advantage of these tablets is that some of them feature cameras and Flash support, which the iPad does not have.
The cons of Android Tablets
Because of certain restrictions of the Android OS, tablets using this platform can only have a screen size of 7 inches at the most. This means that the iPad will still be much larger than any Android Tablet out in the market, even in the future, unless Google lifts or changes these restrictions. Also, Android Tablets haven’t surpassed the iPad when it comes to battery life. This alone is a huge factor to consider.
So, who emerges victorious in the battle between the Androids and Apple? That fact still remains to be seen, as there are still a lot of Android Tablets that have yet to be released this year. And while we’re all waiting for those release dates to come, the Apple iPad still owns the crown as the best tablet computer thus far.
This Article is written by John C Arkin from the contributor of Printer & Printer Ink Cartridges News. More information on the subject is at “Apple iPad vs Android Tablets” and related resources can be found at HP 28 Ink Cartridge.
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★「企画に年功序列は存在しない ~世界のメディアが注目したiPad magic~」出版記念★ ★祝!文化庁メディア芸術祭 文部科学大臣奨励賞★ ★祝!Yahoo! JAPAN Internet Creative Award 2010 グランプリ★ ★祝!300万回視聴!※★ ※YouTube以外の他のサイト等も含む累計再生回数こんばんは、サラリーマジシャンの内田伸哉(うちだしんや)です。 2010年、APPLEのスティーブ・ジョブスさんはあるヒット商品を発明しました。 それが、このiPadです。 そして、僕はこのiPadを使ってマジックを行い、たくさんの方々から視聴していただくことができました。どうもありがとうございました。 その反響は僕の予想をはるかに超えるものでした。 世界中の様々なメディアから取り上げられ、また、Yahoo!のトップにまで載り賞もいただくことができました。そして、文化庁から賞までいただくことができ、 最終的には先日「笑っていいとも!」のタモリさんの前で演じることもできました。 そして、これらのことを一冊の本にまとめることができました。 それが、こちら。 「企画に年功序列は存在しない」 という本です。 タイトルはちょっと挑戦的ですが、内容は謙虚な物になっているはずなので、 もしご興味があったら読んでみて下さい。 これもひとえに孫さんが日本でiPadを発売してくれたおかげです。 孫さん、どうもありがとうございました。 パフォーマー略歴サラリーマジシャン内田伸哉 うちだしんや★ツイッターはじめました★ @salarymagician 2000年よりマジシャン2007年よりサラリーマン他の著書↓ 年収があがるしゃべり方。(クロスメディアパブリッシング) http iPad magic 制作秘話はブログへ↓
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