4 steps to developing a successful iPhone app
With well over 100,000 different apps available in the iTunes app store, there is clearly no end in sight to the development of new apps. That said, there are only a select few apps that make use of all the iPhone has to offer. In this article we will examine 4 things iPhone app developers can do to enhance the likelihood of sales success for their app.
1) Improve on what’s been done – There is always going to be pressure on any young development company to come up with a game or app that in some way revolutionizes the industry or the genre. Attempting to live up to these expectations can cause budgets to spin out of control and often results in underachieving. Instead of trying to turn the industry on its head, a young development company should instead try to improve on an existing concept. By identifying and improving on existing weaknesses in a proven concept, much of the work is taken out of the equation and the focus can switch from conception to refinement. Once the processes and methodology behind app development become second nature, more progressive concepts can be approached with a better potential for success.
2) Consider the community – Building in community friendly features can not only help with sales, it can, if handled properly, boost customer loyalty and create true buzz around your app. High scores and rankings are good, but they are merely the beginning of what is possible with an iPhone app. Consider multiplayer components, community input (user generated content) and in-depth stat tracking as the next level of features in this department, before we make way to true innovation. There are some apps that allow players to watch in on another player’s screen as they play the game – from across the globe. Imagine the feeling a user will get as they peek in on a fellow gamer and share their experience. Others require partnering up with other players in order to accomplish goals and unlock content. The only limitation in community involvement is the imagination of the developer.
3) Use all the features – With a built-in microphone, touch screen and tilt sensor, the iPhone offers gameplay options that not even the home consoles can offer. The manner in which these features get implemented into your app will largely depend on the type of game you are developing. Keep in mind that these features should always be a part of your game, but should never be shoehorned in. While developers should always differentiate their app from all other apps and video games by truly leveraging the iPhone’s capabilities, clumsy or forced implementation makes for awkward and unrewarding gameplay.
4) Don’t neglect sound – The iPhone is a phone first, but a true multimedia and connectivity machine second. Far too many developers make a nice looking game and either omit sounds altogether, or place the aural experience of their title well near the bottom of the priority list. With its ability to store and play high quality audio files, there is no need to ever neglect sound when developing an iPhone app. Always test your in-game sounds with focus groups, friends or fellow developers if possible in order to determine where your use of sound could help your game and where it may be hurting it.
Jefferson Spooner writes on behalf of AppsPatrol. He recommends you visit AppsPatrol for your iphone app reviews and iphone game reviews.
Article from articlesbase.com

The top 5 paid iphone apps. EVER MADE. UPDATE* These probably arent my favorite anymore, but they are still pretty good apps! I may do an update video soon with my new favorites.
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